What Is the Difference Between Invisalign and Braces?

 Oral hygiene is an integral part of our lives. Taking proper care of dental hygiene adds to one’s self-esteem and helps them feel more confident in day-to-day interaction with other people. However, sometimes it can be tricky to choose the right products to help maintain that healthy smile. 

Are you trying to choose between braces and Invisalign for you or your teen? Are you wondering which one is more helpful? 

Perhaps you’re worried about the cost-effectiveness of each of your options? To make the right decision according to your needs, first, we must look at the differences between Invisalign and Braces

Invisalign can be defined as an aligner tray designed to straighten your teeth. Invisalign is made of smooth, BPA-free transparent plastic material. It needs to be worn over the teeth.  

It’s supposed to be invisible, which is one of its most desirable qualities. You’re required to wear these for at least twenty-two hours per day. 

Braces are made with metal brackets that are glued to your teeth and these metal brackets are tied with metal wires and tiny rubber bands to help shape your teeth. 

Both Invisalign and braces have the same purpose, but they both have some characteristics that set them apart. Some of the main differences between Invisalign and Braces are as follows. 

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1. Invisalign is essentially a clear tray that fits your teeth. They are so transparent that sometimes you wouldn’t even know someone is wearing them unless they tell you. It is one of the most important selling points of Invisalign. 

However, braces are metal brackets intended to align your teeth, tied together with tiny wires or rubber bands. You can get them in different colors to suit your taste. Some people prefer Invisalign over braces due to their gaudy appearance. 

2. The second difference between Invisalign and braces is that one is removable, and the other is non-removable. As we mentioned above, one must wear Invisalign for twenty-two hours per day. 

One of the most prominent problems with ceramic and metal braces is that they come in the way when you need to brush or floss your teeth. But with Invisalign, it’s easy to remove them for such activities. It’s crucial to note that you need to remove the Invisalign whenever you’re eating and drinking, except for water.

This problem doesn’t happen with braces. Braces need to be worn no matter what, for a certain amount of time, until your next visit to the dentist. 

3. The next difference between Invisalign and braces is that one takes more maintenance than the other. One must replace Invisalign aligner trays every two weeks, whereas braces require adjustments by the dentist at the interval of four weeks. 


4. Braces can treat more severe cases than Invisalign. Braces are created to treat problems such as Crossbites, Malocclusions, crooked teeth, etc. Invisalign is meant to take care of issues like overbites, underbites, open bites, crowded and crooked teeth, gapped teeth, etc. 

These are some of the most fundamental differences between Invisalign and Braces. You must keep these in mind before you decide which one’s right for you. 

We hope that the above-mentioned factors help you make a decision that suits your needs. Please remember to consult with your primary dentist or orthodontist before you decide between Invisalign and braces. 

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